Past Exhibitions

Exhibitions from the 2017–2018 calendar year


Anna Drexler
Noah Goodwin
Brielle Magee
Rachel McConnell
Lisa Osburn
Emily Parker
Emily Peters
Vanessa Queen
Margaret Schmiegelow
Andrea Simon
Hannah Sisk
Lauren Yeager

Studio Art and Art Education students in the Department of Art and Design scheduled to receive degrees in May will present their work in the Main Gallery, Outer Gallery, and Gallery 115. Exhibits will feature the best work from their college careers, along with projects developed in collaboration with faculty advisors.

Opening reception for the artists: April 14, 12 – 2 p.m.

Artist Website

Sarah Williams – Night Lands

Williams’ work is closely focused on her roots in the rural Midwest and the environments existing at the periphery that most people ignore. UCM’s exhibition will features new works from Sarah Williams’ Night Lands series.

The Wonder Maker’s Collective collaborate to develop new patterns, soft sculptures, and installations. Textile artist Mindy Sue Wittock and illustrator Jenna Freimuth combine their aesthetics and stitch layered embroideries, pen-palling them back and forth from MN to WI.

Annie Helmericks-Louder

Tree Talk: Forest Code – This series celebrates the natural characteristics of textiles and utilizes their folding, layering, sagging, and wrinkled irregularities to deliberately mimic land’s features and describe interwoven and complex relationships.

Requiem for the Birds – req·ui·em, ˈrekwēəm/, noun A Mass for the repose of the souls of the dead. A musical composition setting parts of a requiem Mass, or of a similar character. An act or token of remembrance.

John W Tomac

John W. Tomac is a Brooklyn based illustrator who’s clients include The Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Boston Globe, Village Voice, Runner’s World, ESPN, Collins and Pace Communications, to name a few. Tomac’s work has been recognized by the Society of Illustrators, Communication Arts, American Illustration and Society of Publication Designers.

Artist talk in the gallery, January 22, 1 p.m.

Artist Presentation

Featuring James Brown of Lee’s Summit, MO
January 23, 9 a.m.

The show features pieces made by members of the Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma region of Studio Art Quilt Associates. Artists were encouraged to interpret their own “Changing Landscape” whether abstract, graphic or representational.


Anna Dieckgraefe
Shelby Feugate
Jennifer Stockman
Lucy Powell
Deveri Harvey
Travis Hughes
Meaghann Tripp
Nathaniel Wendt
Jenna Worley

Studio Art and Art Education students in the Department of Art and Design scheduled to receive degrees in December will present their work in the Main and Outer galleries. Exhibits will feature the best work from their college careers, along with projects developed in collaboration with faculty advisors.


  • Mark Antes
  • Sarai Atatai
  • Kaela Crews
  • Ryan Duff
  • Mary Dungan
  • Collin Lappert
  • Cheyenne Lucke
  • Jordan Luster
  • Tiffany Lutz
  • Zach Peters

Illustration and Graphic Design students in the Department of Art and Design scheduled to receive degrees in December 2017 will present their work in the Main Gallery. Exhibits will feature the best work from their college careers, along with projects developed in collaboration with faculty advisors.


  • Mychala Ryan
  • Ashley Wasson
  • Cheyenne Lucke
  • Zach Peters
  • Riley Estrada
  • Michelle Landvik

Interior Design students in the Department of Art and Design scheduled to receive degrees in December 2017 will present their work in the Outer Gallery. Exhibits will feature the best work from their college careers, along with projects developed in collaboration with faculty advisors.

Students in UCM’s Interior Design program study aesthetic and technical experiences in order to solve problems related to the function of interior environments and to enhance the health, safety and welfare of the public.

Why Choose Interior Design at UCM?

Xenofera is a strategic card game where players must recruit a crew, build cages and then use their crew and cages to capture alien creatures (Xenofera). The player with the most valuable collection of xenofera at the end of the game wins.

Xenofera ranked in the Top Ten Designs at the 2016 Stonemaier Design Day in St. Louis, MO.

A Gallery Kids event will focus on Jeff Porter’s illustrations on October 28, 2017.  Gallery Kids is an opportunity for children to discover new art exhibitions in the UCM Gallery of Art & Design with students of the UCM Art Education Program. Participants will create a unique work of art inspired by the exhibitions in the galleries.


These photographs were taken during rallies, demonstrations, protests, and marches dating back almost a decade to a few weeks ago. We photographed these events in the course of our work in covering politics and government for Show Me Progress, a progressive news blog, as credentialed journalists. Some of these images have also appeared in other publications, including metropolitan daily newspapers.

Jerry Schmidt is a photographer who lives in Warrensburg, Missouri. He is emeritus faculty, having taught photography at UCM for thirty years.

Michael Bersin is a founding member of Show Me Progress. He teaches music at UCM.

Schmidt and Bersin’s intent with these images is to show these individuals at their best and with respect.

Michael Sims established The Lawrence Lithography Workshop in 1979 in Lawrence, Kansas as a contract printing and teaching facility for local and regional artists. It provided a place where artists with little or no printmaking experience could collaborate with a master printer to produce original lithographs. It was one of the very few independent presses in the Midwest. Over time, the workshop expanded its operation beyond contract printing for local artists to an increased emphasis on publishing regional and national artists. Today most projects are done on an invitational basis with TLLW acting as the primary publisher or co-publisher, though contract printing remains a significant part of the business.

Annual Faculty Exhibition

The UCM Art Faculty will present their latest works in this annual exhibit which includes sculpture, painting, drawing, graphic design and mixed media.

Opening Reception: August 17, 2017, 3–5 p.m.  This event is free and open to the public.

The 2017 UCM Faculty Art Exhibition is generously sponsored by Murdock Banner Financial Group.